Glacier modelling using neural differential equations in Julia

Mountain glaciers, sea ice and ice sheets are the canary in the coal mine of climate change. They play a critical role on the delicate balance of our planet. Understanding the governing laws of ice masses is critical from both scientific and social perspectives. Furthermore, with the advent of new remote sensing datasets with global coverage (~220.000 mountain glaciers), there is a need for desinging models based on geophysical principles but that can learn from observations.

Machine learning offers a new posibility to learn more complex and empirically accurate laws that underlie ice flow. Automated learning approaches are particularly suited to integrate the vast flood of new remote sensing data, creating feedback between models and data that accurately captures the underlying uncertainties in an interpretable manner. This problem requires statistics, physics, numerical modeling and data engineering infrastructure.

Picture taken from the Malchin Peak in Mongolia in the Altai Mountains, right in the border between Mongolia, Russia and China.

In collaboration with Jordi Bolibar, Fernando Pérez, among others, we work in the development of ODINN.jl, an open-source glacier evolution model in the Julia programming language, Glacier dynamics can be modelled with differential equations, although classical approaches are not suitable for assimilating large spatio-temporal datasets, and they are becoming increasingly harder to optimize. ODINN is based in Universal Differential Equations, a novel approach where learning task can be incorporated inside numerical solvers for differential equations. Parts of the equation (e.g. a parameter) can be learnt by a regressor (e.g. a neural network or a set of basis functions), which provides the model with more flexibility. This model is built on top of the Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM) in Python, one of the most popular frameworks for large-scale glacier modelling. Our final goal is to calibrate and validate this glacier evolution model with remote sensing data and climate reanalyses in order to understand past glacier changes and the role played by ice dynamics and mass balance.

Diagram of the workflow in ODINN.

Some of the features of ODINN are

  • Efficient implementetion of the 2D SIA equation for mountain glaciers
  • Implemented differential programming toold in the Julia SciML ecosystem that allows to compute gradients in the numerical solver for the 2D SIA equation
  • Python-Julia integration via PyCall.jl that allow us to run libraries like Xarray and OGGM inside ODINN

Some ongoing work in progress

  • Writing of review paper about sensitivity methods for differential equations, that is, the differential programming capabilities that enable all the workflow inside ODINN.



  1. ODINN.jpg
    Universal Differential Equations for glacier ice flow modelling
    J. Bolibar, F. Sapienza, F. Maussion, and 3 more authors
    Geoscientific Model Development, 2023